Paar pilti siis mis sai tehtud :)
Üliiiilus pluuus ja teksad (LL )
Nunnnu kleit !
Üks õhtu siiis kui sai linnast tuldud ning ilusat taevast ja head laulu kuuldud ;)).
Tänu Sinule märkasin ma päikest, mis koguaeg on nii eredalt paistnud.
Sometimes I think about the first time I realized that I loved you ... it was as if my eyes took a picture at that moment and stored it in my heart. Sometimes I think about how much my life has changed because of you. I think about you and your happiness, about us and our life together, and I realize that you are as much a part of me now as the air I breathe and the dreams I have. But, from time to time, I still like to remember the first time I looked into your eyes and saw my future there.